Graceful owl imitation with rotating head for scaring birds away from your garden.
Lifelike owl imitation features a rotating head and reflective eyes.
If you mainly use this owl to repel birds or vermin, place it in a visible place in the garden. The head moves with the wind and light sources reflect the eyes, which emphasizes the lifelikeness. A breath of wind is enough to get the head moving.
The effect of this owl imitation will not go unnoticed by the birds and vermin. You have to do everything you can to avoid the unwanted animals are getting used to it, so move the imitation at least every 3 days and possibly even take it away for a day.
Moreover, this owl imitation is a beautiful decoration in the garden, especially children can appreciate this.
When do you use this product?
This product is efficient against: Sparrows, Pigeons, Magpie, Blackbirds.
This product is efficient at the following places: Gardens, Balconies, Fences, Terraces, (vegetable) Gardens.